Friday, August 23, 2013

Get Clean reminder

Dusty condenser coils cause a refrigerator to work harder; which translates into bigger energy bills and a shorter life expectancy for the fridge – not good. To prevent this from happening, use a vacuum or broom to remove dust build up from the coils every three months (once a month if you have pets). The coils will either be located behind the refrigerator or underneath the refrigerator. To access coils located underneath, remove the grill at the bottom front of the fridge.

Sunday, August 18, 2013


The Surfrider Foundation, San Diego Chapter hosts a beach cleanup at Pacific Beach Drive Saturday, August 24, 2013 from 9:00 to 11:00AM. Meet at the end of Pacific Beach Drive on the sand and bring your own reusable bag, bucket, bottle and gloves, if you can.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Food for thought (and consumption)

One way to preserve your fruits/vegetables in the refrigerator longer is to store them in a cloth bag instead of a sealed plastic bag. They can be used dry for purchasing your items at the store or market and for storing dry fruits, like apples, and you can store misted vegetables, like greens, placed in the dry bag in your refrigerator crisper drawer. Some organic cloth bags from Amazon available here: