Thursday, July 19, 2012

Beach Clean up

July 28th at South Mission Beach there is another beach cleanup sponsored by Surfrider – Meet near restrooms by lifeguard tower. Please bring your own bag or reusable bucket and gloves to cut down on waste. Check out Surfrider Beach Cleanup for more infomation

Monday, July 16, 2012

Lend a Hand

Join thousands of clean energy activists this August 4, Sign up for Hands Across the Sand  - Find a place near you
(FYI - The location in San Diego is La Jolla Shores)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Recycling without a Pickup

Here is a link to find out where to recycle those items that don't fall into the simple categories for curbside pickup. Recycle Here

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Protect your skin (and the Earth's "skin")

Not all sunscreens are created equal. Look for sunscreens that use zinc and/or titanium minerals as the active ingredient. Most other sunscreens have toxic active ingredients that aren't good for your skin or the environment. Check this sunscreen link for your best options.