Monday, February 9, 2009

Water Rationing in San Diego

The Union Tribune reported on 2/7/09 that SD leaders are developing a plan for water rationing based on a "budget" for residents and businesses to use as they see fit. If businesses and residents go over a pre-determined cap, they could be charged fees up to 5 times the regular cost of water.

Critics of the plan feel that those who have already been conserving water will be penalized the most because now they will have to cut back the same percentage as those who have been squandering water all along.

Public meetings are being held on February 9, 10, and 12 to hear public comments (see U-T, 2/7/09: Super savers may not see fairness in rationing plan).

What's your solution?


  1. what is the link for the water rationing in the union tribune?

    My question would be do people cut back a percentage of what they are currently using - OR is there a cap to homes/businesses based on yard size, people using the water and public access.

    If there is a pre-determined cap, how does that effect people who are already conserving - wouldn't that just keep them at the same level?

  2. Here's the link:
    I don't think a final decision has been made about the plan and that's why they're inviting public comment at the public meetings.
