Friday, February 13, 2009

Recycling Electronics

I know many people are confused by all the "rules" for recycling. Here are some helpful tips that I've found (scouring many websites) for those of us living in the San Diego area:


One time use batteries can be recycled at the Miramar Recycling Center or at Recycle San Diego for a small fee. There are also special events for e-waste that usually will accept these at no charge. Check this website for upcoming events:

Light Bulbs:

The "old" incandescent light bulbs that have been around for many, many years can be disposed of in your normal household trash.

Compact Flourescent Lamps (CFL's) have a trace amount of mercury in them and need to be disposed of as hazardous waste at the Miramar Landfill or a hazardous waste collection event.

Computers, Monitors, TV's and other miscellaneous electronics:

Most of these things can be recycled for free at Miramar Recycling Center, Recycle San Diego or at any of the special e-waste collection events.

Cell Phones:

These can be recycled at any of the Recycling centers listed previously or at most retailers that sell cell phones and even some post offices will accept them.

This may not cover everything you maybe concerned about, so feel free to comment and ask questions. There may be others with the same question and I will post a reply with the answer (if I can find it).

p.s. With the much needed rain we've been getting, turn off your sprinkler system , if you have one, to save our very precious resource of clean, drinkable water.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Water Rationing in San Diego

The Union Tribune reported on 2/7/09 that SD leaders are developing a plan for water rationing based on a "budget" for residents and businesses to use as they see fit. If businesses and residents go over a pre-determined cap, they could be charged fees up to 5 times the regular cost of water.

Critics of the plan feel that those who have already been conserving water will be penalized the most because now they will have to cut back the same percentage as those who have been squandering water all along.

Public meetings are being held on February 9, 10, and 12 to hear public comments (see U-T, 2/7/09: Super savers may not see fairness in rationing plan).

What's your solution?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Team - I think we are off and running!