Wednesday, January 7, 2009


If you have made it this far - welcome. Welcome to the conversation and the challenge of making your life, neighborhood, community, a little more "green". We hope that we can be in conversation to inspire and support one another in this journey.

I know there are lots of resources out there - let's help one another find more resources that make sense for us.

Over the next few months we will be posting information and conversation starters to be living more "green" - we all need a little nudge sometimes.

Good Luck and Happy New Year


  1. Well - I got my high-speed connection and am trying this for the first time. Also, I bought the workbook from Open Door Books. Let the conversation begin! Wanda

  2. I'm really encouraged about the new administration's supporting CA's effort to increase fuel standards and the reducing of CO2 by its target date. It sounds like the US auto companies are finally getting the message too. There was a great documentary on PBS this past weekend - The Big Energy Gamble about CA's efforts in leading the way for the U.S. It's about time we are making some headway, albiet small, but some progress is better than no, especially now. Wanda
